About Dana Janai

…Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, still I rise

Maya Angelou

From the first moment I heard the poem “Still I Rise” by the great Maya Angelou it immediately struck a cord with me. I didn’t understand why at that time but later as an adult I understood the underlying message of resiliency.  Learning to overcome life challenges and obstacles is the passion behind why I founded Hustle Girl Financial.  I’ve always possessed a passion to help others realize their internal strength, to preserver and create a life that fuels their purpose and passion.  As a 20-year finance expert and current candidate for AFC certification, Hustle Girl Financial is founded on the principles of increasing financial literacy, achieving financial independence and creating a financial legacy for your future. Our mission is to help you reach your full financial potential by breaking the debt cycle, creating a savers mindset, and accumulating wealth!

My journey to financial freedom has had many twists and turns over the years.  I’ve struggled with being a divorced single mother, caring for an ill parent and loosing my job all at the same time.  Scared and afraid doesn’t even begin to describe the overwhelming emotions I struggled to contain while trying to provide for my children and my mother. I spent many months robbing Peter to pay Paul and looking for the rest of the Apostles to make financial ends meet!  It wasn’t until I got tired of being sick and tired that I realized I had to make a change.  I had to change my mindset about money, understand my money triggers, create a new vision for my financial future, learn tools to help me effectively make, manage and maintain money, and finally find a way to create financial abundance that I could pass on to my children.


Trust me, my journey has not been without trial and error and I have made BIG mistakes along the way.  But by staying consistent, increasing my financial literacy and a little bit of hustle, I have been able to create a life of financial freedom and my life passion is to help you do the same! Stop struggling and start thriving– that is my ethos – this is the solution I offer to all of my clients!

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